Identify Font on Website Image

Identify font on website

Identify font on website from image using chrome extenstion and from Inpect element settings.

My website font isn’t attractive I want to use the font of that website on my website.

But how could I identify font on a website and use the same font style on my website?

It’s everyone’s thought but mostly the beginners would have crossed this experience and it is the common issue.

This problem arises when we admire a website which is most popular and relevant to our niche and makes tons of income monthly.

We think that copying the same font and using it on our blog would bring same fame and earnings.

If you think the same well it is not true it depends on how much you work it.

But at the same time, your website design and font name are also important to your business success.

Identify Font on Website Image

Font identification can often be a challenge for web designers. Not only do they need to be able to identify the font used on a website, but they also need to be able to correctly size and place it within the design. This article will teach you how to identify fonts on image and size them correctly, so that your website looks professional and well-designed.

Why Is Font So Important For your Business? The Science behind Using the right font.

Finding font name

Using the worst font would surely destroy the brands like from small movie posters to newsletters.

Some facts about fonts:



Owning a website with different images and color would not attract visitors unless they own a proper font text.

The purpose of your font is to make visitors read that’s it! Regardless how much your website value is.

Take The New York Times as an example the most popular news website.

Though the website look is simple and average but the net worth of the website US$ 1.588 billion according to Wikipedia.

Nytimes daily earnings

And daily more than 3,929,125+ visitors reading their website and which keeps them reading is the main question?

Surely the fonts play the major role which keeps visitors to stay longer and read full articles, NYTimes use Georgia a simple looking font.

Why simple font for the billion dollar company? can’t the NYtimes afford paid or fancy looking font?

The below is the answer for your question.

But What’s the Science behind it?

Researchers Hyunjin Song and Norbet Schwartz proved that time taken to read simple font is shorter than reading fancy fonts.

Like it took 8 minutes to read simple fonts containing article and took 15 minutes to read fancy fonts article.

That’s why news sites will use simple fonts to give the user the better experience to read the articles easily.

Additionally, if you check horror websites they would use horror type fonts. Because it will attract visitors to click on the website.

Same way for horror movie posters they will use horrific fonts for the movie promotions.

Horror movies fonts

Now you know the science behind choosing the right font for your website.

The font represents website’s voice so for websites we need to use relevant voice giving producing fonts.

The talk is over now back to our topic. Let’s find out the name of the font used on any website.

How To Identify Font On the website using Whatfont Chrome Extension?

There are different trick available to find what font a website is using by clicking inspect element, using websites etc.

But most people find difficult to use these tricks and it will take time to find. For them, I am going to teach in 3 step process.

First Open Google Chrome

Or search WhatFont in search the Store box and install the What Font Chrome extension.

Whatfont chrome

Then click ADD TO CHROME to install the WhatFont chrome extension.

Install what font chrome

And after installing the WhatFont chrome extension and there will “f” like icon will appear on the top right corner of the chrome browser.

Go to any website and first refresh that website otherwise the tool won’t work.

So first refresh then click “f” icon and place mouse point on the words tool will reveal the font name and it will appear on the side.

Finding website font used

For this article reference, I went to NYTimes website and used that tool and it showed as “Georgia”.

I found that the New York times use Georgia font for their contents. Likewise, you can visit any website and identify the name of the font used.

Also, you can find the color code of the font, to do it click the word to know the color code.

Finding font name and color

Identify Font on Website: Conclusion.

By reading this article about how to identify fonts on website images you will have learned some facts and science about using fonts.

Now you know that identifying the correct font for your website is important for branding and user experience.

So always use the right fonts which communicate better with your site visitors.

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Abdullah Prem

I’m Abdullah Prem, a passionate blogger with over 10 years of experience. I created BloggersNeed to produce high-quality, easy-to-understand articles, guides, and tutorials that help people start their blogging journey. Specializing in WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making strategies, I’ve been featured on leading tech platforms such as, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis.

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