Testing Amazon FBA is one of my projects for 2021. I want to find out whether Amazon FBA is a viable business model for my part-time self-employment and also ideally deliver a first valid product.
You can find out how I test Amazon FBA and what my conclusion is below.
Before you read my Amazon FBA review below about testing with Amazon FBA and Aliexpress, I’d like to specifically point out a few important points that you shouldn’t forget:
- Selling products (online or offline) for profit is a commercial activity and requires a business license (and possibly other documents). Likewise, an entrepreneurial activity must always be carried out in a legal form, which you should take care of before selling.
- As a result, your profits from Amazon must of course be taxed, just like any profits from your other commercial activities. Please consult your tax advisor for advice on this and on how to deal with taxes when importing items.
- It is important to me to say that as an Amazon FBA seller with your own product (you act as the manufacturer), you also assume product liability. Clarify possible risks and precautions with an expert.
Amazon FBA Review
This personal contribution does not show you how to become successful on Amazon as quickly as possible! Because I myself am not yet.
This contribution should show you how you can test the business concept “Amazon FBA” as easily as possible and with little cost! Of course, you still have to comply with the legal framework.
I place a lot of emphasis on transparency and so it is with this description of my Amazon FBA test. And yet, I can’t be 100% transparent – I can’t show you my actual product for the test.
This has nothing at all to do with the product specifically, as this is not likely to be one I will sell in the long run, but with my account and the ease of doing harm to others on Amazon.
Amazon only allows the keeping of a customer account and would I now show you my product, I run a great risk that any not begrudging competitors, my current product, but especially future products, can massively sabotage.
This unfortunately happened again and again, because it is very easy to distribute bad reviews on Amazon, so that every Amazon FBA seller refrains from publishing his product and thus his account.
But since this is also handled by other podcasters and bloggers and those interested have become accustomed to it, I hope you also understand that I will not name my product. But to understand the Amazon FBA test this is not necessary at all!
So, are you ready to test Amazon with few resources?
How I came to Amazon FBA as a possible business model
I was listening through the various American business podcasts and suddenly this one name kept popping up: Scott Voelker.
Scott has been an online entrepreneur for a few years, starting with niche sites and then finding his way to eCommerce through Amazon. Within a few months he achieved such good results that he started the podcast “The Amazing Seller” (now known as Brand Creators Platform) to share his knowledge – and with a really good radio voice.
A must listen and highly recommended starting point is especially the first 6 episodes with clear instructions on what to do and when! This then also largely represented my basis for the start of the test.
Scott captivated me immediately and I watched all his episodes, which made me so excited about the business model that I really wanted to test it.
Not so many online entrepreneurs have jumped on this bandwagon – here, however, the number of “FBA entrepreneurs” is growing very strongly, certainly also due to the successes that the American colleagues present.
So I first learned purely on a theoretical basis all the wisdom like the 10x10x1 rule ($10 profit x 10 sales per day x 1 product = $3,000 = quit your job and enjoy freedom with passive income 🙂 ).
That sounded enticing and doable!
From the big vision “back” to the small test and quick launch
I spent many hours a day researching products and waking up many nights scrambling to find a perfect product that met my aspirations of having the potential to be my own brand and take over the world.
At some point, thank God, it clicked and I remembered my own virtue:
And so I managed to get away from it, and focus first on getting on “1st base” and learning the Amazon FBA game. I set a new goal: I want to test the Amazon FBA business model with an emotionless product.
What you should consider with Amazon FBA Review – The Basics
Scott Voelker and many other experts have gathered their experiences in the last months and meanwhile they all recommend you the following procedure and the following 10 steps to sell products with Amazon FBA:
- Start with product selection through research (relevant factors are best-seller rank to ensure desired sales figures)
- Order samples of your desired product from Alibaba
- Order a larger quantity of the selected and possibly customized product by air freight
- Create an optimized listing, i.e. a sales-boosting product description on Amazon during the waiting period
- Start a promotion phase with give-aways and review groups as soon as your product arrives at Amazon.
- Actively ask for reviews
- Run pay per click ads
- Build an email list for follow up products and your future brand
- Add more products to your portfolio
- Open additional channels to Amazon, such as your own online store
- However, I would like to get to know Amazon FBA first and first check if this business model, the way it works and also a selected product is something for me at all.
I would like to test a product on the market first before I order 1,000 units of it and invest several thousand dollars.
Amazon FBA Review: Conclusion.
In conclusion, Amazon FBA is a great way to sell your products. It offers many benefits, such as quick and easy product listing, global exposure, and Prime shipping. If you are looking for a way to grow your business, Amazon FBA is a great option.
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