Here are the best Amazon seller tips that made a million in profit.
You may have considered the possibility of selling your products through a marketplace. Since a few years ago, this online distribution channel has significantly increased its number of visitors; however, this type of online wholesale stores offer both consumers and sellers a lot of convenience.
Undoubtedly, one of the most trusted and respected among consumers is Amazon, so it is almost always a good option to boost your business and increase your sales with tips for Amazon sellers.
Selling on Amazon, after all, is fast, cheap and easy (compared to selling through your own online store). However, doing it successfully requires more background work. Let’s take a look.
10 Amazon Seller Tips.
As we said, it is not simply a matter of uploading your products and waiting. To sell on Amazon successfully, it is necessary to work on the product listing, promote them and, above all, always keep the consumer in mind.
Putting yourself in their shoes will help you to better focus your business: What would the customer like to find? How to get their attention? How to build customer loyalty?
The first thing you should do is work to make the user locate you within the large stock of Amazon (think that like you there are thousands of sellers), and then focus on their desires, needs, persuade them in some way, and try to offer them the best possible shopping experience for them to repeat.
All these ideas we wanted to expose through 10 guidelines that, we believe, will be very useful to succeed in Jeff Bezos’ marketplace.
1. Select your market
It is important that before you start selling on Amazon you decide in which of the markets it offers you want to do it. Are you going to sell or do you want to project yourself abroad? Each of the eCommerce giant’s platforms requires new registration and conditions that, it is important, you should know.
2. Study your competition and adjust your prices
To be able to compete with the thousands of sellers that belong to Amazon’s marketplace, you need to know them.
Do they sell what you sell? At what prices? This information may allow you to diversify your business, as well as adjust your own rates and calculate your profit margin.
3. Register as a Pro Seller
If you want to be one of the number one sellers, it is preferable that you register as a professional seller. Doing so will allow you to:
- Sell more than 40 items per month.
- You will save money on commission for each item you sell.
- You may be able to sell in categories previously restricted by the platform.
4. Create your own genuine brand
Encompassing everything you sell under your own brand will not only give meaning to your business, but you will generate greater consumer confidence, you will have a bigger and better presence on Amazon, and your products will appear many times as the first option in search results.
5. Position your products by keywords
How would users search for your products? Think about the answer and analyze different keywords, the most relevant ones. You can use Amazon’s own search engine, which will give you suggestions for your items.
Check our Amazon SEO guide to rank your products organically with simple Amazon seller tips.
Once you have that list of keywords, use them in your product sheets. Include them in the title, the most important part to position yourself properly, and also in the descriptions (taking care, of course, that the final result is not too forced). It will be a way for users to find you and thus increase your visits and sales.
6. Optimize your Product
We will talk about this on more occasions. Remember:
- Work well on the titles of each product. They should include: the brand and sector of the product, its distinguishing feature, the material or materials it is made of, type of product, color, size, and if it is a multiple item (imagine, for example, that we are talking about a pack of kraft paper envelopes) it is important that you add how many units each pack comes with.
- Include key features or benefits of your products. You have up to 5 key points to persuade your potential customers.
- Don’t forget the descriptions. You can make the title a little longer and explain in detail everything about your product. Keep in mind that the more concise you are, the better. The good thing, if it’s short… it’s well known! And try to give your text an original touch, tell stories about your product and make it attractive to the public.
- Take care of your images. It is important to add images of your products. The ideal is to do it with several images, from different angles and even ambient photographs (if it is a decorative element, for example) or that show the product or service in action.
Here is our deep guide about product selection and optimization.
7. Use your reviews and positive ratings
It is difficult to achieve, but if you get some of your customers to leave you reviews or ratings, you will have won a lot.
This is one of the aspects that consumers review the most and that influences their purchasing decisions. If you don’t have any reviews yet, you can get them by asking for them directly or through more specific actions (for example, offering discount coupons in exchange for a review).
8. Share your product urls
Share your products on your social networks, blog or your own website. The more diffusion, the more chances you have to get customers. In addition, by doing so, Amazon will interpret a greater number of clicks from your list of results and will improve your ranking within the platform itself.
9. Take care of shipments
While it is true that Amazon in this regard is far ahead of other eCommerce platforms (same-day delivery, low shipping costs, free for Prime members, etc.), it should also be your task to offer a service as complete and careful as possible.
10. Take care of your customer service
Consumers need to feel heard, especially when they encounter a problem. Whether they write to you in a positive way or with an incident, do not neglect this part of customer service and try to provide quick solutions and answers.
And remember, the user does not want to listen to robots, but to people like him. Do it in a straightforward and direct way.
Amazon Seller Tips: Conclusion.
And that’s all, these are our 10 Amazon seller tips to make selling on Amazon as profitable as possible.
In conclusion, following these Amazon seller tips can help your business be successful on the platform. By providing quality products, using effective marketing techniques, and taking advantage of Amazon’s features, you can make the most of this powerful sales channel.
Remember to stay up to date on Amazon’s rules and regulations, and continue to test and tweak your strategies to find what works best for you and your products. Thanks for reading!
Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through those links. This comes at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!
Good points!
In my opinion, Your Amazon business won’t run yourself. If you’re serious about selling large volumes of your items, you’ll need to monitor your performance regularly. In this way, you can continually improve your efforts.