Anstrex Review – The Best Advertisers Ad Spy Tool?

Honest Anstrex review explaining about all the features of this facebook ad spying tool.

In this Anstrex review I’m going to reveal all it’s pros and cons with actual proof.

Anstrex is the top Spy tool for marketers of products and services. You can use it for detecting, analyzing, evaluating, and rating your competitors across every region, city, state, and your country.

Apart from spying, the tool can perform market analysis, improve web traffic to your sites, and give you push and native ads.

Read: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tools

1. Anstrex Review: The Problem Advertisers Face

No real Time Competitor Information

The main problem faced by marketers was the lack of information about competitors and their marketing strategies.

It was like three born-blind people trying to make out how an elephant looked by touching its legs, belly and body.

The information they got was incomplete and often misleading.

Inaccurate Data about Internet Traffic

The second problem was the lack of information on the country and region-specific internet traffic volume. Even the most advanced tools could only make speculations based on existing data.

They could not probe deep into the local markets to get accurate data. Hence, the marketers ended up taking the wrong decision to promote their products and services.

Manual Centric Procedures

The third problem was overdependence on the marketing team. Though the conventional did provide the data, implementation through campaigns remained largely manual.

It required an executive to analyze the data and make decisions about critical issues related to campaigns.

2. My Anstrex Review & Why You Need It?

All about Anstrex tool

Real-Time Spying on Competition

Anstrex is a spy tool which is designed to Explore and expose the secrets of your competitors’ marketing strategy, audience targeting, marketing campaigns, and ads.

You can get to what your competitors are doing and how their customers are interacting with them.

The data you get from the Anstrex spy tool has depth, market relevance, customer connectivity, and competitor analysis in multiple aspects.

Real-time information will let you change your marketing strategies and plans dynamically.

The legality of Anstrex for Your Business Domain

Using the Anstrex ad Spy tool is perfectly legal and ethical. You don’t need to worry about the applicability of anti-spying or unethical practices being imposed on you by the federal and state governments.

Unlimited Customer Data

Anstrex provides you with unlimited data about customer details from their personal information to all the aspects which a traditional digital marketing tool offers.

Anstrex also gives you insight into information about why a particular competitor product is gaining popularity in the market.

You can get to know details about why particular sections of customers prefer specific products and brands. The data will be very important to you because you can use it for expanding the scope and reach of your products and brands.

Launch Unlimited Campaigns from Single Tool

Anstrex provides you with unlimited ads and campaigns for all your brands and products. You can get affiliate offers, content marketing, and direct marketing and related marketing benefits from Anstrex.

Unlimited Market and Customer Trend Visibility

With Anstrex, the visibility of your brand and products will cover SEO marketing, social media, ad campaigns, blogs, forums, and other media.

You can get banner ads, website ads, and PPC as well as CPC. People who are searching for products and information can get to see your brand and products across various platforms. Mobile visibility is one of the biggest benefits you get from Anstrex.

Unlimited Network for Your Marketing Campaigns

Anstrex gives you unlimited network coverage over local marketing as well as the campaigns within your state, country, and the global network.

Push ads can appear on any media including the apps on Smartphone and mobile devices.

System Intelligence to Track Marketing History

Anstrex has an inbuilt intelligent system, which can track all your previous campaigns and create a database. You can use it to compare the ups and downs in your campaigns for the previous month, year, or a specific period of your preference.

3. Anstrex Features

Anstrex has many features which include real-time marketing, testing of landing pages, competition analysis, SEO, website traffic promotion, affiliate offers, and alerts for competitor ads.

These are some of the key features, which can keep you ahead of the competition and a step closer to your existing and potential customers. Let’s have a brief overview of these features.

Anstrex Native

Anstrex Native ads spying tool allows you to spy on the 27 ad networks in 80 countries.

From your computer, you can view millions of ads from advertisers and publishers and you can view ads by category, country, language, etc.

If you like any landing page, you can scrape and download and directly upload the landing page via FTP to your server.

Anstrex Push

Spy Push ads from 38 ad networks and 92 countries easily. Know what your competitors are doing and get brief insights into their ads with the Boolean searching option you can able to search and run the campaign using the boolean operators.

Anstrex Dropship

Start a money-making Dropshipping business today by finding the hottest selling dropshipping products on social media.

Browse 10,000+ suppliers from 92 countries and get data of supplier catalog and retail store insights that make millions in revenue.

With the Anstrex chrome extension, you can add products to your dropshipping store with mouse clicks and order products from suppliers automatically.

Anstrex Popups

Spy popup ads from 32 popup ad networks, 92 countries, and 850+ mobile carriers.

Find the best performing popup ads through insights and real devices and directly scrape the landing page and upload to the server via FTP or Amazon AWS S3 bucket.

Real-Time Marketing for Competitive Markets

Get competitors real time bids ans cpc information

Real-time marketing is more than tracking potential buyers and analyzing trends. It is to design and launch campaigns which can create a sense of necessity among the potential customers. You can do it with the various tools of Anstrex.

There are two types of campaigns you can launch with Anstrex. The first is push notifications and the other is native advertising. They help capture the customers using proactive measures.

Real-time marketing with Anstrex also means providing more information about your brands and products to your potential customers.

They get to know about the technical and functional features in detail. You can do it with the help of your web pages, blogs, and social media pages. Then you can link them to the Anstrex tools and let the system take over.

Testing of Landing Pages with a Single Click

Competitors Landing page spying tool by Anstrex

With Anstrex, you can test all the landing pages related to individual products and services separately. You can get real-time feedback from the actual markets.

Based on the results, you can decide on improving or changing the marketing strategies for a specific product, brand, geographical location, and related parameters.

You can customize the landing page according to your specific business and industry. Anstrex offers you a vast range of tools, utilities, and plug-ins to achieve your goals.

You can test the landing pages for integrity, content quality, design, and related features.

Competitor Analysis for Better Performance

With Anstrex filters, you can know how your competitors are performing in the market, how they are targeting potential customers, how they are organizing their next levels of campaigning and all the related factors. It is one way of keeping you ahead of the competition.

Filters related to various competitor activities can work accurately to give you specific information. For example, your competitor may plan to invest in a specific campaign. You can get instant data about that campaign in the form of an alert.

For this review, I am going to find my competitor ad using Anstrex which in the health niche. The product was Sleep-related one.

Step 1: I am going to Search ad network, Country, Language, and category.

Ad spying 1

Step 2: I found the country where the ads are being targeted.

Spying competitors ad 2

Step 3: Checking the visitor’s stats of the ad. I can also view the landing page of the product and I can replicate the same using the best landing page builders and target the same audience to get a lot of sales. Hooray! 

Spying competitors ad 3

Step 4: Statics shows the daily activity of the ad, I can find the engagement time when the ads are getting a lot of impressions and clicks.

Spying competitors part 4

Step 5: I can also spy different ads set used by my competitor to know more information about my competitor.

Different ads sets of the product

For this Anstrex review purpose, I only showed you part 1 of the competitor ad research and there are even more this tool can do with a single click which will save your time. Just start with a Basic plan to give it a 2-day trial and get your money back with a 2-day money-back guarantee.

Enhanced Website Traffic for Your Sites

The modern SEO marketing is more than writing code and waiting for users to search your products and services. The proactive approach gives you an edge over the other competitors to put your products and services at the top of the search.

Anstrex can generate website traffic from SEO, social media, Adsense campaigns, push notifications, as well as native advertisements. The flow will be consistent and continuous.

Anstrex Unlimited Affiliate Offers

Anstrex can search the entire web-world to get the details about affiliate offers. The system can find many such leads based on data from the landing pages and campaign information.

Efficient SEO Integration

Anstrex has inbuilt SEO integration. You can use the tool to increase the visibility of your website and its pages to the search engines like Google.

The spider of the search engines can dig deeper into your website and search for user-defined words and phrases. Hence, it becomes very simple for the searchers to find your website link.

4. Anstrex Benefits

  • The vast range of competition spying options
  • Unlimited data about competitors
  • Optimized Brand advertisement
  • Complete campaign coverage
  • Expanding geographical reach
  • Local and global ads
  • Automated tools
  • Advanced search
  • SEO integration

Identifying your competitors is a complex process, which could take more time and effort when you do it manually or use conventional tools.

Anstrex uses the state of the art technology to filter competition based on products, brands, technical features, customer demands, pros and cons, and many other features.

Hence, the output is always accurate and specific to your business domain.

5. Anstrex Pros

  • Easy to install and configure
  • Economical pricing
  • Content marketing
  • Direct sales
  • Affiliate marketing

6. Anstrex Cons

  • The sheer volume of competition data could take more time to compile and make decisions for startup companies with no experience

7. Anstrex Pricing

Anstrex is available in three different packages, namely the,

  1. Pops only (check price)
  2. Pops + Push only (check price)
  3. Pops + Push + Native (check price)

Every package has its unique benefits. You can run your campaigns from multiple countries without any limitations.

Real-time alerts about competition is one of the biggest advantages you get. You don’t need to worry about the ads, marketing campaigns, and other programs launched by your competitors.

Push ads are the biggest sources of your business revenues. Anstrex gives you the unlimited capacity to launch them from more than 90 different countries. So, you can stay much ahead of the competition at the global markets.

Anstrex pricing is more economically feasible for startup and small business enterprises. It gives you the leverage to use your investments and funds in an organized manner.

The price you pay is an investment to sustain and grow your business to the next levels with continuous improvement.

Anstrex Review: Conclusion

In our Anstrex review, we have introduced you to some of the most important features and benefits of Anstrex. You can use it when you start working on the product in real-time.

Go through all the features deliberately and understand their relevance to your specific requirements.

Anstrex review
  • Spying Accuracy
  • User Experience
  • Features
  • Support
  • Pricing
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Abdullah Prem

I am Abdullah Prem from India, with over 10 years of experience in blogging. I happily work from home and teach people how to start blogging through my easy guides. I am an expert in writing about WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making ideas. I have been featured in popular tech sites like, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis.

The tools I use on this blog

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SEMrush: My all-in-one SEO tool to perform various SEO tasks. Try SEMrush

Generatepress: I use this theme on this blog, the super fastest theme. Try Generatepress

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WP Rocket: I use this superfast cache plugin to increase my website loading speed within seconds. Try Wp Rocket

Elementor: I know nothing about coding, but I create beautiful websites. Try Elementor

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