SuperbThemes Review

SuperbThemes review

Here is my personal SuperbThemes review

SuperbThemes is a lightweight website development model that covers a vast range of eCommerce themes, WooCommerce, and online stores complete business processes.

Some of the most impressive features I have seen in the themes are page speed, responsive design, and customizable search engine optimization.

As a WordPress enthusiast, I found the themes to be completely compatible with all the features of the sophisticated designing of every web page that I wanted on my website.

Artistic Creativity is something that I always equated with websites for artists and musicians. To my surprise, SuperbThemes showed me it is possible to incorporate artistically creative elements for the commercial websites also.

SuperbThemes Review

SuperThemes online store

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1. Unlimited Usage & Liftime Free Updates

SuperbThemes consists of 30+ premium WordPress themes and premium plugins and the surprising thing is you can use it on unlimited websites and receive lifetime updates.

Mythemeshop is one of my recommended theme stores but you’ve to renew every year to get updates but Superbthemes has both annual and one-time payment purchase plans. But I recommend you to go with one time payable plan to save your money. Continue reading superbthemes review to know all benefits.

2. SuperbThemes for Every Kind of Startup Website

As the owner of a startup business, my resources for marketing and advertisements were fairly limited in volume, especially the finances.

You know I had spent so much on the development and deployment of office infrastructure that I was left with only a few hundred dollars by the time I set up my business.

I had to find a web design solution that was inexpensive, effective, and impactful. My first aim was to create a group of potential audiences whom I could target for my marketing campaigns.

I had the basic knowledge of WordPress designing and formatting tools, hence I wanted to have a web design system that is compatible with it.

After searching for many weeks and months, I came across The first thing that impressed me the most was the vast range of themes for my kind of business. I started exploring them to find the best one for my online news and fashion magazine stores.

Premium SuperbThemes

Gutenshop is one of the most popular themes that are available at SuperbThemes. It has the perfect layout on the home page with multiple vertical sections wherein I can insert high-resolution images that are light in weight and impressive in appearance.

Gutenshop product section

Similar to Gutenshop, there are plenty of other templates are available in SuperbThemes, which have the most impressive features for the eCommerce and online stores’ websites. Some of these features that I liked among them are

  • Footer widgets
  • Slideshow
  • Google fonts
  • Custom Sidebars
  • Blog feeds
  • Social media feeds
  • A vast range of fonts
  • Innumerable background and foreground colors
  • Custom patterns etc

3. Customizable Widgets for Customer Satisfaction

Widgets are the most useful elements in the footer section of the SuperbThemes. I can use them to create search boxes, online forms, calculators, market-analyzers, demographic analyzers, and so many other applications.

I have found the search boxes to be highly useful because they enhance the visitor experience on my website. People who visit my website in mobiles don’t seem to have much time to browse through the product pages and find their favorite one. Hence, the search box helps them to find specific products.

An average search box feature in SuperbThemes has the input feature for accepting multiple languages and searching the web pages fast. It can list out similar products along with the main search keyword which is highly time-saving for the potential customers.

It is possible to link the search results to the product and online-order pages directly, which will again save the time of the potential buyers.

Many of the buyers want to get over with the order and payment processes within 3 to 4 minutes after entering the website. SuperbThemes give them the perfect opportunity to make faster decisions.

The other widget I found to be highly useful is the market analyzer. If you happen to be the owner of a marketing company that lets the users analyze the trends in their product markets, the widget is highly useful.

It can generate tabular data along with charts and Infographics. Users can get accurate information about the markets.

Demographics analyzer is one of the most interesting features that give you a lot of information on the behavior of your target customers. You can get to know about what they are buying, why they do it, and when is the right time for buying.

Competitor analysis is one of the other widgets I found to be useful in SuperbThemes. You can have all your competitors covered for their ads, marketing strategies, etc.

4. SuperbThemes review – Widget Security for Your Employees

Normally, when you place a widget on a webpage, it will be visible to all the visitors who come into the website. However, showing them the widgets used by your marketing team could be impractical and risky.

SuperbThemes let you limit the “visibility and accessibility” of the widgets to selected users based on their login name. So, it is possible to hide all the widgets from the normal visitors on the footer, side-bar, header, and other locations where you choose to install them.

5. Impressive Slideshows to Attract Visitors

SuperbThemes have multiple options and templates for the header-slideshow in which you can display a large number of high-resolution images in sequence. I have found the feature to be highly useful and practical for

Image gridly
  • Product ads and branding
  • Company overview
  • Customer testimonials
  • Latest update information etc

The visitors who come to your website will get an immediate view of whatever they want to see in the first place. When that happens, their trust in your business and branding reaches the peak levels. You don’t have to work too hard for visitor retention as they get glued to the slideshows.

Apart from the customer testimonials, the other important aspect of visitor attraction is the real-time Infographics that you can integrate onto the slideshows. They can contain statistical data about the various aspects of marketing like

  • The financial growth of your online store
  • Customer rating for products
  • Customer rating for quality
  • Conversion rates
  • Visitor count across various states etc

These are some of the things that can create impressions among the visitors to make a positive decision on buying your products. It may not happen on the first time, but the visitors can take some positive actions like

  • Signing for email subscriptions
  • Filling an online data form
  • Completing a questionnaire, etc

These procedures may look simple from the external view, but they can have a lot of impact on the possibility of generating leads that may finally convert into sales.

Professional WordPress Features

Beginner Friendly Themes

Like a beginner in website design, you may face difficulties in understanding the various plug-ins and themes that you may have to use for the web pages.

You need to search for special tools that get you connected to social media, forums, blogs, and other external links for attracting visitors.

Sometimes you may also have to write code for the insertion of these connectivity features. Some of you might have given up the task halfway through because the things were highly difficult to do.

But not anymore, as SuperbThemes come with many easy-to-use plug-ins that you can insert into your web pages quickly and start using them immediately. The user interfaces of plug-ins are very simple, yet sophisticated since it offers multiple functionalities.

Let us consider the social-share and follow buttons for example. You can use it across multiple social media that are highly popular. I have been able to use the plug-ins on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Medium, and a vast range of others with ease. I have used it for sharing and creating flowers.

Plug-ins of SuperbThemes are highly responsive in design. I can customize them for any type of mobile device and Smartphone, tablet, and other latest gadgets. The process following and attracting followers begins almost immediately after installing the Plug-ins.

WordPress SuperbThemes are available for free as well as for a small price on the website. If you are using them for the first time on your website, I suggest you go for the free themes. There are hundreds of creative themes that give you the freedom to customize them according to your specific needs.

One of the most impressive features i need to include in this superbthemes review is the landing page design. It has all the features of high-definition images, high-quality text, rich fonts, attractive patters, background and foreground colors, and many others.

Pros & Cons Of SuperbThemes


  • High page loading speed
  • Slide show on any page
  • Customizable slide shows
  • User-friendly page-building
  • Professionally designed sidebars
  • Innumerable child themes
  • Demo content import options


  • Too many slideshow colors can be confusing
  • Takes time to learn all the plug-in features
  • FAQs don’t cover all the features

SuperbThemes Review: Conclusion.

Once you start using SuperbThemes, you will get used to its innumerable features within a short time. You can design all your web pages easily and accurately according to your needs.

Before getting to kick-start, it is important to study the tools, themes, and other options carefully since the sheer numbers could be confusing. I suggest you start from the minimalist themes at the beginning and progress to the more sophisticated ones as your website and business grow.


SuperbThemes Review
  • Pricing
  • Website speed
  • User Experience
  • Customer support
User Review
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Abdullah Prem

I am Abdullah Prem from India, with over 10 years of experience in blogging. I happily work from home and teach people how to start blogging through my easy guides. I am an expert in writing about WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making ideas. I have been featured in popular tech sites like, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis.

The tools I use on this blog

Cloudways: I am using this hosting on this blog. Try Cloudways

SEMrush: My all-in-one SEO tool to perform various SEO tasks. Try SEMrush

Generatepress: I use this theme on this blog, the super fastest theme. Try Generatepress

Omnisend: Using this email marketing tool, budget friendly. Try Ominisend

WP Rocket: I use this superfast cache plugin to increase my website loading speed within seconds. Try Wp Rocket

Elementor: I know nothing about coding, but I create beautiful websites. Try Elementor

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