Off-Page SEO Techniques – 11 Best Link Building Methods

Off-page seo techniques

People often use Off-page SEO techniques for effective link building purpose that could add a lot of backlinks for ranking their websites.

Some Off-page methods work but some sadly fail.

Do you know that there are more than hundreds of Off-page Optimization techniques exist? But SEO experts use the best Off-page  strategy which works.

The methods they use are always safe and even loved by Google.

Do you want the best SEO tips and safe link building strategy from the SEO experts?

Then check these 10 best Off-page SEO techniques stolen from the SEO’s personal Dairy.

Semrush seo tool

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, encompasses a variety of strategies implemented outside of your own website to enhance its visibility and authority in search engine results pages (SERPs). This optimization technique is key for improving a website’s reputation and credibility, which ultimately influences its rankings.

Scientific studies and industry reports indicate that effective off-page SEO practices can significantly impact organic search traffic and user engagement, making it an essential component of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

In Off-page we optimize our websites by using external website links through link building.

For example: If Wikipedia links to one of your website articles then some part of Wikipedia power will transfer through your article link getting that particular article ranked in top results.

Like this, there are various link building methods carried to rank a website so called Off-Page Search Engine Optimization.

Off-Page SEO Techniques Video Explanation

I advice you to fully watch this video first from Brain Dean to understand the full concept of Off-Page SEO quickly then continue reading my article.

Here are my best Off-Page SEO factors which i do most for ranking medium and high competition keywords and almost best SEO’s use this same technique.

1. Guest Posting

Guest posting is the most popular link building method where an article is written as a guest post by another website webmaster.

Where the author places his/her one of website article links inside the article in that way the link juice passes to guest post author’s website.

Some SEO experts claim that Guest Posting is against Google terms and conditions.

One minute silence for those, here is the proof of Google allows guest posting on its official blog.

Guest post by google

Take Neil Patel from he does more than 100 guest posts each year from that he builds his brand and makes dollars from that.

Also, he brings visitors to his website and converts them to clients.

Example of Neil Patel’s Guest Post on

Neil patel huffpost

So do reach other webmasters relevant to your niche produce mind-blowing content publish it and link to your website.

2. Q/A link Building

People often search for the answers on the internet and several webmasters use this opportunity for link building purpose.

Take Quora the No 1 question and answers discussing website. Most visitors type their questions and get the answer.

What can you do?

Visit Quora website and create an account. Then look for questions related to your niche.

If you know the answer to the question then write it and in the middle or end of the answer link your website article.

Do like what I did in the image below.

Quora link building

It will boost your website ranking and also visitors will click to visit to know more information.

Of course, Quora links are no follow but still, it is high citation flow and trust flow.

  Move Your Site To Top Google Now

3. Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a way people use for bookmarking or store their favorite web pages, articles, videos, etc.

Many Social Bookmarking websites links are Dofollow which allow Google to follow them and rank their websites.

Social Bookmarking is an easy way to link building and can be done within minutes.

To social bookmark your article. Visit and Under your profile click Add Page and drop your website article link and save it.

Stumbleupon seo

4. Blog Comments

Blog Commenting is my favorite OFF-page SEO link building method by this method you can build powerful backlinks to rank your website.

See my blog commenting on Robbie Richards blog.

Blog commenting

To do blog commenting search on Google for the websites which allow blog commenting.

Also, there are lots of dorks available to find blogs for commenting.

You can search in Google or in case if you want to use now

Blog commenting dorks

In keyword, place use your search phrase.

For example: To comment on digital marketing websites.

Search as: inURL: Digital marketing “post a comment”

After hitting Enter it will show digital marketing blogs visit the blog and comment with your website URL.

5. Press Release

Press releases are one of the effective link building strategies and it still continues to boost search engine rankings.

Through press releases your website will appear on Google news section from that you would obviously get a large amount of traffic to your website.

You can hire SEO experts from SEO Company to do press releases for link building.

Press release costs little high but it is still a good investment for gaining dofollow backlinks to our website.

6. Forums

Forum is a great way for participating and discussing with other webmasters

In the forum you can ask various questions, write an answer for questions asked, join on various discussions.

Also, you can use forums for doing Off-page SEO work.

To do link building via the forum, join relevant forums and participate in discussions, answer questions.

Repeat this for 2 to 3 weeks after making your profile super active search for the question and reply the answers and place your link in it.

Check the link building by Blackhatworld forum member below

Forum link building

If you place your link on the day 1 itself then forum admin identify your linking article for SEO purpose then they will ban your account immediately.

So do this Off-page SEO technique carefully.

7. Web 2.0

Web 2.0 link building is the great tactics and my secret method for ranking websites.

Web-2. 0-sites

By default, every web 2.0 websites such as WordPress, Blogger, Weebly has high page rank and domain authority.

When we use these sites for link building it works great when done correctly.

The biggest advantage of using this Off-page SEO tactic is that you can have full control to handle the links.

By having full authority you can change links, modify anchor texts, add or even delete backlinks.

How to Create Web 2.0 Links?

Select the top web 2.0 websites such as,, and

Create a website with anchor name in the domain name.

For example, if you want to rank for SEOprofiler review,  create website name as or

Your blog should have necessary pages like Home, About, Contact us, etc.

Then write 300 – 500 words content with perfect ON-page SEO and link to your website with powerful anchor texts.

Since web 2.0’s take a long time to get indexed on Google, Use link indexing services to index your Web 2.0 articles soon.

To make even more effective bookmark web 2.0 articles on social bookmarking sites and also share on social media sites.

8. Profile links

Good profile links can improve your website ranking. It will not only act as backlink but it is most than a backlink that will increase your overall website branding.

Getting profile links from popular websites will act as a good consideration for Google to judge your website and rank on top search results.

So join the most popular social media websites with high DA and go to the settings and look for the website or Home Page box and add your website homepage URL.

Profile link seo

Look my Twitter Profile and see my website Homepage address.

9. Directory Submission

Directory blog submission

Listing your website in directories is part of SEO to get powerful backlinks to your website.

In order to get quality backlinks, you need high PR directory submission websites which give dofollow backlinks.

Although directory submissions are easy most people find it difficult for listing their websites.

They list their website on unrelated category due to that the directory owners will delete the websites.

So always list your website in proper categories and add good title and description.

10. Resource Pages

It is another holy grail and best Off-page SEO strategy for effective link building.

By this method, you can get easy .gov and .edu backlinks to your website.

How to find resource pages?

To find resource pages Google as “Keyword” + inurl: links

Resource pages seo

Install Moz chrome extension to find sites PA and DA.

After finding the good resource pages with good PA and DA, reach the owner of the website and ask for linking your website on their resource pages.

11. Private Blog Networks (PBN)

Believe me or not but Pbn’s are the another best way to rank your websites in a short span of time. Many SEO’s says that they are black hat and it will penalize websites if Google finds it.

100% Yes I agree with it. Google is smart to find it but if you know how to build Pbn’s carefully without leaving any footprints which looks like a normal website then you are 100% safe.

Reasons for the Penalty.

  • Using low-quality cheap links from Fiver (Never use it).
  • Building private blog networks without having knowledge.
  • Over optimized Exact match anchors.

Then what should I do?

  • Don’t use Pbn if you don’t know about it. Better go with guest posts.
  • Don’t build pbn by yourself. Go and hire experts who know it very well.
  • Always buy pbn links from trusted sellers. They are always too costly but trust me they are safe.

Want to find the best opportunities to build your backlinks then check our best SEO tools.

Semrush seo tool

Off-Page SEO Techniques: Conclusion.

Competitions are too much high in the digital marketing field, in order to rise above your haters you need the best Off-Page SEO strategies.

SEO is going to another level already many of them doing various Off-Page SEO techniques to beat competitors.

At the same time what we do for ranking is important and we always have to use white hat SEO otherwise, Google will obviously penalize our website completely.

Why because?

Google is always watching our movements if we do anything illegal we have to face the problems.

So when doing Off-page SEO work, don’t do any black hat SEO techniques and strictly avoid it.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to enhance their visibility and ranking in search engine results. This involves refining elements such as content quality, title tags, meta descriptions, headers, URL structures, and schema types to align with user intent and search algorithms.

There are proven studies indicate that effective on-page SEO strategies significantly enhances visibility in search results and user engagement, making it a crucial component of digital marketing strategies. By focusing on these elements, websites can better align with search engine algorithms and user intent.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through those links. This comes at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Photo of author

Abdullah Prem

I’m Abdullah Prem, a passionate blogger with over 10 years of experience. I created BloggersNeed to produce high-quality, easy-to-understand articles, guides, and tutorials that help people start their blogging journey. Specializing in WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making strategies, I’ve been featured on leading tech platforms such as, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis.

The Tools I Use on this Blog

Cloudways: I am using this hosting on this blog. Try Cloudways

SEMrush: My all-in-one SEO tool to perform various SEO tasks. Try SEMrush

Generatepress: I use this theme on this blog, the super fastest theme. Try Generatepress

Omnisend: Using this email marketing tool, budget friendly. Try Ominisend

WP Rocket: I use this superfast cache plugin to increase my website loading speed within seconds. Try Wp Rocket

Elementor: I know nothing about coding, but I create beautiful websites. Try Elementor

222 thoughts on “Off-Page SEO Techniques – 11 Best Link Building Methods”

  1. The information is very clear Off-Page SEO method with the help of relevant snapshots. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. I must say you have explained well these off-page SEO techniques to increase any website traffic and build backlinks to a website. In this fast growing world, SEO techniques always keep changes time to time and the worst part is that you might not even know it. That’s why you always need to stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in SEO. Search Engine algorithm being updated every minute, it is hard to know for an SEO company or individual which techniques still working.

  3. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. The best webpage for tips on off page SEO. Thank you so much for sharing this article. I’ve bookmarked this page also.

  5. Thanks for writing such a good article on backlinks. It is not bendy in backlinks. People always try direct method but most of time these trick don’t works. Your tips are helpful for the person to make good backlinks for their websites or blog. This content is so valuable and surely unique that people are happy and really helpful for them. any pressure from your side, neither in the form of request nor hint or reminder in any ways.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this great information with us.But I would like to ask you one thing can I use spin content for the article submission & Web 2.0?

  7. There is no doubt this is probably the best informative article I have read in a long while.Of course I knew a few of these aleady, but it reminded me, it doesn’t matter how experienced you are in SEO, there is still much to learn.

  8. Thanks for sharing, its a very useful article for me. but i have question is directory submission is still working for seo. AND what is the resources page cant get it… can you plz explain in short. thanks in advice

    • Resource pages will have relevant websites which has relevant articles of what they have. If a website is based on Fishing niche you can contact their site owner to add your website link if it also based on Fishing niche. By that your website will get do-follow link which helps to rank your website overall. This is one of the best off-Page link building method.

  9. Thanks for sharing, its a very useful article for me. what is the resources page cant get it can you please explain in short and also how to use. thanks

  10. The article has been properly researched for accuracy, speaks about topics that are popular in off page activities and helps to get in a good place. SEO, when done appropriately, can not only bring traffic but it also brings potential customers that are actually looking for your business related services and products. Thus off page techniques very important for an SEO to understand the target audiences and nature of the business. This Article helps a lot to the way of an encouragement this list is for someone starting out to be able to follow step-by-step process.

    Thanks a lot for your informatical article.

  11. Abdullah,
    What a fantastic post, this is so full of useful information, i can’t wait to dig deep and start utilizing these techniques.
    Thanks for sharing and will come back for more.

  12. in 2018 SEO offpage is a very tough task because by mistake if I get a low-quality site link then my website can go down. Google crawler is very clever. Your blog is fully informative and I get a lot of new things about SEO. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thanks for your Off Page SEO Techniques, It’s really a great stuff you covered about Off page SEO, Because after completing on page SEO, it’s needed for every SEO professionals. Keep writing Good and serve Your readers.

  14. Hey Abdullah Prem,
    Hope you are doing well.
    Thanks for great sharing about link building. Yes, link building is very important for SEO. Without links, you can’t get good site ranking. Overall these link methods are very powerful and working present time. Your article is fully informative. I would like to appreciate your work. Thanks.

  15. Great link building insights. I don’t think this methods are effective now and are working now a days?

  16. All Techniques are good for Off page. I want to ask a question .Is Forum submission important in this strategy?

    • Yes, but nowadays free Forum has lot of OBL which will never increase your ranking. So go for premium forums.

  17. SEO Analysis. If you want more search traffic, all you have to do is follow the website analysis report. It will point out all of the SEO errors you need to fix in order to increase your website traffic.

  18. Well,
    You have shared a brilliant piece of writing with us. Not only ideas but resources as well where we can build quality links. But can you please explain some tips to get most from blog comments?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Go to alltop . com and filter the blog categories according to your niche and comment there. This is simple but effective method.

  19. Great Piece of article! I think i should replace directory submission instead of local business listings on good websites so it will works ?

    • If your website targets local business then go with local citations. plus do directory submissions at the same time.

  20. Unique information always attracts the readers, so write on unique topic anyhow i like your website because the alexa rank is quite good.

    • Go to alltop .com after that you will easily able to find your relevant blogs, visit each blog and comment.

  21. Great article on off page Seo techniques. But can you give a list of website which is great for guest posting.

    • Kindly follow the guest post finding method for all niches which i mentioned in this post.

  22. Hey prem,
    Nice to hear such, article with infographics.
    Found interesting.
    Generally, I have read many articles,
    but this article is somewhat special,
    Which shows exact scenarios
    Have a nice days man.
    Thank You

  23. Thank you for sharing the information. can you give a list of website which is great for guest posting?

  24. Hii,
    Your post is awesome , i have got everything i wanted to know. can you share some high DA sites for the backlink.

  25. Thanks for sharing such a nice article. I learned some new techniques here to create backlinks through off page optimization.

  26. It’s very informative Off-page article I’ll now applying on my site. Thank you so much.

  27. Thanks for sharing the backlinks buidling method and i’ve learned best off-page seo methods in this post.

  28. Thanks for Sharing best off page seo technique. Basically i am the fresher it will help me to start my carrer in digital marketinng field

  29. Due to over spamming Forums now not allowing anyone to promote their links and the links will be deleted immediately. To avoid spamming forums changed their policy like “If you made 10 posts then you will allowed to submit your links” This number change according to forums. So join forums and reply to some questions and be active, then after 2 weeks slowly add your links. I hope you got it

  30. Thanks for the shearing best way for linkbilding . Please make a another post what is black hard seo.

  31. Thanks for helping me with these information, I can now build back links to the quality contents in my web page.

  32. Thank you for sharing this is helpful and informative and to the point with references and helped me a lot.

  33. Don’t you think directory submission is quite outdated and Google also give a penalty on this?
    I found this article very useful but not sure about directory submission.

  34. Wow Amazing Tips, This is very good information of off page seo i love your blog also your writing skill.

  35. Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up.

  36. I appreciate your effort on writing such descriptive information. Such a nice article you have written

  37. Such a nice post. I like your way of explanation and the information in your post is very good and well detailed. Thanks for this information.. Keep updating us.

  38. it would be better if you could add even more effective strategies with high-quality submission lists. Suggest you add wiki links as well.

  39. Hi thanks for sharing the techniques how to so off page seo.I am doing this for a site but nt seeing the great benefits may b I m missing the things somewhere like the correct category and all….This information is very useful for the beginner like us.
    Kindly keep on providing such an useful information to help other doing seo

  40. Thanks for sharing the Off-Page SEO Techniques and Best Link building Methods. who has doing seo its a very usefully post

  41. Thanks for sharing ,off page seo technique through which you can get the quality back link for your site. My best seo off page technique is Guest blogging. Does rich snippets help in increase the ranking in serp.

    • There is no proven record of ranking increase by rich snippets but it increases click through rate.

  42. thanks for the sharing. it very helps full… Plz update New Do follow websites

  43. Thanks for sharing Useful information to create quality links for website..i will use these techniques to create links for my website..

  44. Thanks for sharing best off page seo activities through which you can get the quality back link for your site.

  45. Off page is very important part of SEO. Link building stuff is very useful for SEO factors. Lot’s of quality back-links are very beneficial for website. You share the info is very helpful for me. Great blog. Thanks!

  46. HI Abdullah,

    you Have mentioned in this post that Neil Patel accept the Guest post on his Blog. is it True thing?
    I think , He doesn’t accept the guest post.

  47. As per my point of view, Guest posting is one of the most effective activities in the recent scenario. Thank you very much for sharing such an amazing article, Looking forward to reading such articles in the future as well.

  48. This is an awesome blog on the techniques for off page. Would you share some more info on guest blogging? Thanks. Keep posting.

  49. Hi Abdullah,
    Nice stuff.
    I like your writing style really it’s awesome and clear every point very easily like a piece of cake.
    Thank you!!!!!

  50. Hello Abdullah,

    Thank you for sharing this useful piece of information. All of these techniques work great if done correctly. We tried a few of them and were left with a great outcome. Almost all of the techniques mentioned can be thought of, since you don’t have to be an expert to use them. As it is with everything else, practice makes perfect.

  51. Hello Abdullah Prem,
    Your Blog title: (2018) Off-Page SEO Techniques – 10 Best Link buiding Methods
    Please correct Buiding spell – Building

  52. Great article! Very updated technique in off page SEO! Looking forward for more cool posts from this blog!

  53. Can we go for a paid off line or off-site seo ?

    If we go for a paid off site SEO, should we provide our admin credentials to the SEO company?

    Please reply.

  54. Thanks for sharing off page seo technique..
    I am blogger and would like to recommend to do blog commenting and guest posting,
    these both seo techniques are working well to get the good ranking in SERP.
    I am little bit confused that article submission that, Will article submission work in 2019?

  55. Content is good, as its reflect backlinko tips and methods. Everyday a new technique and strategy is developed specially for OFF page SEO. Can you share an article regarding SEO in 2019? As the SERP market is going to be tough, specially after Rank Brain Algorithm implementation & mobile indexing

  56. Great post! Blog commenting is an acquired skill which depends on a couple of factors which are very well explained and articulated especially favourable circumstances to comment on blogs. Thanks and cheers!

  57. I just like the helpful information you supply in your articles about off page seo.I will bookmark your blog and take a look at again here regularly.I am somewhat certain I’ll be informed many new stuff proper right here! Best of luck for the following!

  58. All the tips listed in here are very important and effective in link building. Thank you for this one. Nice Job.

  59. Great post! I am actually getting ready to across this information, It’s very helpful for this blog. Also great with all of the valuable information you have Keep up the good work you are doing well.

  60. Thanks for sharing your ideas about SEO. I have learned something new from your article. And I will use them on my personal freelancing website.

  61. SEO is rapidly changing from one year to the next, with new algorithms constantly emerging and Google frequently editing their webmaster guidelines. Thank you for sharing the amazing methods of off-page seo techniques.

  62. Thank you Abdulla for the amazing tips. If I talk about off page seo techniques, building quality backlinks from the high authority sites is must to get rank. One can go with guest post option for building quality backlinks.

  63. The latest updated knowledge of SEO is essential to shine this field. That blog post shows the detailed information about SEO. Thank you for your wonderful collections.

  64. thanks for the off page seo tips. I have been using these tricks to find guest posts opportunities as well as commenting opportunities.

  65. Thanks very good article . It is very helpful to all digital marketar. In this article disccuss all the off page activity for any website.

  66. This is the exact information I am been searching for, Thanks for sharing the required infos with the clear update and required points.

  67. Thanks for Sharing. I am Digital Marketing expert and I like to write and share information on seo, digital Marketing.
    First i share published guest post on social bookmarking sites to reach my target audience..
    I submitted the bookmark on above sites, and got instance approval on Few sites. Please Update your List….

  68. Hi! Thank you for the share this information. This is very useful information for online blog review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

  69. Alot of blogs I see these days don’t really provide anything that I’m interested in, but I’m most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know. Nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing.

  70. Link building is a never-ending process in SEO, the better your link building is the better you will score in search engines.

  71. Thanks for sharing these amazing post and I had a question that how can I rank up my pages in SERP with bookmarking?

  72. amazing article and loved it. I am looking forward more to this. I am a beginner in the digital marketing and have started working on some seo projects.This is something very useful for me

  73. Hi,

    Thanks for this useful SEO tips. We are using other off page tricks and will use the guest post as well as the blog commenting.

  74. I’ve gone through the blog that you post for off page submission, some of the techniques are out of the white hat SEO. It might be work in your case but Google avoids like Directory submissions and Bookmarking.

  75. Got to know more info from this article about OFF – Page SEO.
    You said Quora links are no follow links.
    Please clarify me that what is do follow and no follow links.


  76. Great…!! that’s great advice, I read and also saw you’re every post, the nice article very useful your post Thank you so much for sharing this and the information provider.

  77. Resource pages link building technique is new to me. Comment backlink, forum backlink, profile backlink, web 2, directory backlinks are very good if done carefully and with good research.

  78. Hi Abdullah, Amazing blog. There is so much to do in the off page and you cover almost all link building techniques. I think this is the perfect article for someone who is a beginner in this field.

  79. I have read the entire post and understood it thoroughly. I must say well researched, and very useful information submitted. After all we work for Google I would say and we need to change our seo strategies that we are following right now. Keep sharing such helpful articles.

  80. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing such a great blog and that really help me but I want to ask one question is I am doing these all activity for last one month but my keyword not rank properly, please help me, what I do for increase ranking.

  81. Off-page SEO is sometimes more important than on-page SEO. Thank you for listing out the different ways in which off-page SEO can be improved. Every year, SEO gets more challenging and we need to understand the nuances to improve online business. Thank you for sharing insights with readers.

  82. Hey Thanks for the information. Most of the bloggers are not SEOs, so they focus more on writing than promoting it well. This information is really important for me. Thanks again

  83. Really amazing article you post here about best SEO off page techniques and off page method. Thanks for your great post.

  84. Thank you for sharing the blog about digital marketing which helpful for business.

  85. I am following your seo techniques. but my page rank is not getting increased. what we can do and what could be a problem behind that. plz, share your view on this. thanx

  86. Every year SEO is going to do difficult and don’t understand how to rank a website? And read your blog I got a lot of knowledge.

  87. 2019 – Off-page SEO is also used for backlinking. Without off-page, you can’t get ranking and website popularity. So backlinks play a vital role in the website.

  88. This articles crystal-clear explanation and comprehensive. Link building strategy one of the tactics of SEO.

  89. This is a very informative article Regarding on off-page SEO techniques. really love the way you write. worth visiting as well as worth recommending to the people.Thanks to you for sharing this helpful information with us.keep going.

  90. very unique blog and all information is reliable for new readers, Thanks for posting your valuable thoughts with us

  91. Thanks for Such nice list of blogs that everyone should follow to know anything to everything about digital marketing and to be updated with the regularity of the updates.

  92. Hi… Very informative and genuine article on Off-page techniques it is very useful for beginners thanks a lot for sharing. Keep posting like this.

  93. That was informative, but I found it is hard to get commenting blogs from altop..

    Is there any quick way to get your keyword positions back in google which starts showing sudden changes…

  94. The article is nice and informative . The best about ur blog is you update and refresh the posts well . I found nothing outdated .

  95. Thanks for this awesome post. This guide is really very helpful for a novice blogger looking for the way to increase their websites authority.

  96. If you want to raise true brand awareness and drive massive organic traffic to your website, then you’re in need of some really effective off-page SEO practices.

  97. Though I was knowing many things. But after reading you blog it motivated to do many things like web2.0 websites

  98. This is a useful article Regarding on off-page SEO procedures. truly love the manner in which you compose. worth visiting just as worth prescribing to the people.Thanks to you for imparting this accommodating data to us.keep going.

  99. Hello Abdullah! You have shared such an awesome blog with us. Information you have provided about 11 best link building tips for SEO, it’s very helpful to improve ranking in SERP and increase traffic on every website. Thanks for writing.

  100. Most important factor while ranking your website is keeping your link profile natural, you don’t want google to hit you with a penalty

  101. Hi…Thanks for sharing such a useful information. This Off-Page SEO tactics will help you a lot to rank your website better on search engine. As Digital Marketing became more popular, On-Page SEO is not enough we have to go for further more things for better ranking. Please Keep sharing this type of articles on Digital Marketing. Looking forward to it.

  102. You really feel the need of bloggers on how to do perfect off-page SEO techniques. That’s why Bloggerneed is a perfect blog for the blogger to get the perfect information here. Thanks for sharing this amazing article buddy. 🙂

  103. Thanks for the article you shared. I have learned a lot more off-page & link building strategies from this article.

  104. I think you are a great blogger and you have a lot of knowledge about SEO. Thanks for sharing SEO off page techniques.

  105. Thanks for sharing such great information, I highly appreciate your hard-working skills as the post you published have some great information which is quite beneficial for me, I hope you will post more like that in the future

  106. Blog Commenting technique a very helpful but one thing remember that blog commenting should be match to your niche then next think social bookmarking here should be careful selecting category

  107. Thanks for this beautiful informative post. Resource page linking is a new thing across. Thanks and keep sharing.

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