Hi again this is my latest find to make money online by a unique way where you can make a lot of income, and if you are the regular online user, you would have probably heard of making money by answering questions.
I guess some of you even tried to find some websites where you can get paid by answering questions.
And some of you might be joined some forums or communities like Yahoo answers, Inbound, etc. where you try to reply to some queries, and you would have spent like 5-10 minutes for writing answers for those who are not even your friends.
Shall I ask you a question?
Do they reward you for writing answers and making those forums and online communities grow on top?
The answer is NO!
What if I say a top online community which is almost similar to Wikipedia rewarding their users for writing answers to its users?
To know more in detail, read further.
- Make Money on Quora for Writing Answers: Introducing Quora Knowledge Prize
- What Are Quora Knowledge Prizes And How They Work?
- Where To Find The Quora knowledge Prize Questions?
- Is Quora Knowledge Prize Feature Only For Experts?
- Tips For Writing An Excellent Knowledge Prize Answer
- Will I Get Paid For Writing The Best Answers?
- How Much Money Can I Make By Writing Answers On Quora?
- Ways to Make Money on Quora
- Make Money On Quora: Wrapping It UP.
Make Money on Quora for Writing Answers: Introducing Quora Knowledge Prize

Quora is one of the biggest community used by every online marketers and internet users to get answers to their questions.
Quora are also known as the question and answer website with more than a million questions asked and answered daily. People almost around the world are using Quora as a knowledge base.
Quora mission is to ask and learn the world’s knowledge and almost in every categories or niche people are searching for the answers to the questions.
I have heard that many individuals are using Quora for answers for their questions they are searching.
As we know there are more no of questions posted every day at the same time we are seeing some waste answers irrelevant to that questions and some of them of flooding by spam links.
To grow Quora to the next level they have introduced Knowledge prizes a new feature where you can make money by writing answers on Quora.
The main motto is to inspire experts to answer important questions and make the answers valuable to the readers.
What Are Quora Knowledge Prizes And How They Work?
When sponsors think the question is really matter to them, then they will signal by offering some prizes for the best answers.
If someone is an expert in related to that question and if they can provide a high-quality answer then they can make money by writing expertise answers.
After winning the money, the following winner can keep it or donate it to charity.
Where To Find The Quora knowledge Prize Questions?

Go To: http://www.quora.com/answer/prizes
You will find the list of Quora knowledge prize questions. Choose the question of which you are expert in and write the answer to make money on Quora.
Is Quora Knowledge Prize Feature Only For Experts?
No, it’s for everyone, and the question will be visible to everyone so all can get benefit from the knowledge prize feature.
If your answer is selected as the best answer by the sponsors, then you are the expert. Happy?
Tips For Writing An Excellent Knowledge Prize Answer
- Choose the question you are best at
- Do a small research on the internet and pick some important points to add in the answer.
- Share unique thoughts and your answer should be narrow and not too broad.
- The answer must satisfy your reader’s intent.
- Write excellent article in easy manner.
Will I Get Paid For Writing The Best Answers?
If you think that your answers provided are best No it’s not! It is up to the sponsors to select the best answers which they think is useful and reasonable.
Ask yourself that you are expert in that topic then choose it and research about the question and provide the best as much as you can.
How Much Money Can I Make By Writing Answers On Quora?

There is no fixed prize money for winning solutions in knowledge prize center.
It’s up to the sponsors they can bid any amount of money for the best answers.
Where to find the knowledge prize list of winners?
Here are the knowledge prize winners list, and you will see list of winners in that category.
Ways to Make Money on Quora
Here are the 2 ways to earn money from Quora. Use this technique to make a part-time income.
1. Answer questions that are asked by others.
In this technique you need to have a affiliate product that gives you nice commission. For example: If you want to promote weight loss offer.
Go to Quora and type Weight loss in the search bar.

On the left side filter box select > Questions > All People >Past Week.

Click the first question, and you will see this landing page.

Click the answer button and answer the question with actual facts. The answer must be above 300+ words and include images if necessary.
And when writing the answer, link the weight loss offer landing page as the solution.
Don’t link your affiliate link, Quora will suspend your account for spamming. So always use a landing page.
If you don’t know how to build a landing page, here is the best landing page builder for WordPress. By reading it, you will learn how to build it easily using WordPress CMS.
2. Other Ways
Promote CPA: You can create a question and answer by yourself and promote CPA products.
Ads: Place ads on your website and go to Quora and find high questions that got high up votes and answer that question and link your website, Visitors will click and view your website and click your ads and from that you earn money.
Sell your Answers: If your answers are getting huge views then you can sell your answer to others. Many service providers and product owners are looking to advertise their products on answers.
Make Money On Quora: Wrapping It UP.
Those who are looking to make money online on Quora or do some part-time jobs this is an excellent opportunity, and furthermore, there are lots of online writing jobs to get paid, and talking about Quora yet again a Golden egg for online writers.
And why shouldn’t you try this opportunity by writing answers on Quora and making money online?
Talking about Quora, it’s a trusted community, so your money is 110% Guaranteed.
Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through those links. This comes at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!
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I Love to dig contents to make a soulful post and regarding your question about promoting Quora on your blog?
Yes, You can promote Quora on your blog.
But there is no worth of promoting quora in affiliate sites.
nice work for Quora is most question of promoting your blog so it’s good
Thanks Abdullah,
Your articles are awesome and interesting.
I just checked the link you provided, it seems the page doesn’t exist again!!!!
What do you have to say??