A2 Hosting Review – Real Pros & Cons with Proof!

A2 Hosting Review Check My Speed & Uptime Test
A2hosting review

Here is my A2 Hosting review to know the pros and cons of this WordPress hosting.

A lot of people saying A2 Hosting is the fastest hosting provider. Is that the truth?

If you are looking for this answer then please skip this A2 Hosting review and directly visit A2Hosting.com

Why skip?

Because I don’t want to waste your precious time.

Obviously, the answer is yes and they are the super speed hosting provider with 20X speed than the standard hosting providers.

Or you want some proofs to convince yourself to use it? Then continue to read my experience from one of my website using the latest VPS & dedicated server.

Special Offer: Limited discount sales are running currently Check A2 hosting coupon code to get up 51% off on your first billing cycle.

visit A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting Review

A2hosting review
A2hosting review

Before we start reviewing the company, let us first talk about the background of this A2 hosting. The company founded in 2001 by Bryan Muthig  formerly the company was called “Iniquinet.”

They have data centres location at United States (Michigan), Netherland (Amsterdam) and Singapore. From back those days they have been providing 99.9% Uptime Guarantee. They are commonly known for providing super quick hosting and call their SSD servers as “Turbo Servers.

The highly optimised Servers made them famous among their competitors, and they are known as the fastest hosting providers.

Their Guru Crew Support and green energy utilisation made them won several awards. Anytime you need their assistance; they won’t miss your call. Along with it, they have servers in the USA, Europe, and Asia which makes someone to choose the right ones per their requirement.

A2 Plans & Services

Let’s know the type of hosting plans they provide.

They provide fastest hosting services for the following services

  • Blog
  • CMS
  • CRM
  • Ad Management
  • eCommerce
  • Forum hosting
  • Wiki hosting
  • Social media hosting

A2 Hosting Pros and Cons

1. Web Hosting Stable Uptime throughout the Year

I am writing this guide after one year of using their hosting service to host two of our websites to check their speed and uptime. The plan we bought was VPS and Shared hosting.

In those websites, I installed one WordPress and One Drupal. Just to let you know, these were not our money sites, but I did this to test the limits of their server.

To test the uptime for this A2 hosting review, I used 3 website monitoring tools Jetpack, Uptimerobot, and Pingdom Simultaneously to monitor the uptime and to our surprise, the performance is excellent, far better than 70% of all other hosting Providers.

In the Field of hosting, anything below 99.92% uptime is considered a waste of money. Guess what; In the whole Year, the average uptime recorded from all uptime monitors was 99.95 %. This is what made this hosting Provider as King of Hosting Providers.

Check the below image with records of showing Uptime reports which using the Swift Plan.

For this check, I have used Uptimerobot tool for measuring the Uptime and downtime timing of the website.

September Uptime report

A2 Hosting review: Uptime screenshot

October Uptime Report

Showing website Uptime record in my A2 Hosting Review

The tool recorded the website for 991 hrs, 55 min and from that, it had 16 minutes of downtime.

Converting minutes to seconds to find Uptime.

991 hrs 55 min is 3,569,580 seconds

16 min is 960 seconds

So 960/3,569,580 = 2.7777948979 – 100 = 99.99997222

Their Uptime promise is true and it’s damn true.

Uptime Score: 5/5

Note: This Uptime records will be updated ever month to give up to date information for this A2 hosting review post.

2. I have never seen Shared Hosting with this price.

In the Industry of hosting Providers, I often fear people saying that Shared hosting is a waste of Money. Your site will go slow and go down if someone’s Website is taking traffic. Ill, let me tell you this, It’s all a myth like aliens Living in Bermuda triangle.

I’ll show, what made I realise that this is the best-shared hosting so far. To test the limits of this shared network, I did some experiments. I got some excellent performing facebook pages with lots of traffic.

Our team of expert Penetrators created a link and sponsored it on facebook for 5 days straight. I thought I am going to kill the site, but the result was something else.

In Our Analytics, I started continually monitoring the traffic. The real-time Int up to 10,000, but nothing happened to site. Right at that moment, I did a speed test in Gtmetix and Google test; it was really standing above our expectations.

I tested in Pingdom too; the Site speed was above 95. You should know that I didn’t use any Cache or CDN. So it totally deserves to be best-shared hosting Provider.

3. Superior Customer Support with open 24 hours “Real Gurus of all Technical Support Teams.”

Earlier in this A2 hosting review I have shown how my Uptime and Shared hosting service is groundbreaking. Let us know put their support into a Touch Test. For this test, I will contact them at the most unfortunate time of the day. Although I have our support team, I will stage some errors and some real errors too.

All the errors will test the ability of their team differently. The Different Kinds of failure will be based on SSL, Domain Config, Database Errors and Several Other Errors based on PHP as Ill as WordPress/Drupal.

Based on their Locations, I approached them at the worst time they can expect for Support. Generally, I ask them for support at the mid-night and sometimes in the morning during shift change hours. The test was Successful, and this time too, Their Guru Crew Support didn’t let us down.

4. Top Prior Security For All My Domains Hosted

Security is essential these days, and I planned a very systemic gruelling test to check how Secure their server is? I have tested their Servers before I have prepared a brutal analysis for security too.

What exactly I did to their server?

First of all, I tried to Brute Force the Cpanel which failed due to Captcha and IP Blacklist even after using Proxies. Now I installed some faulty CMS with various vulnerable from Moderate to highly sophisticated.

I did try uploading shells, but those are blocked even phishing and Mail () Code Action was Blocked. It must have been having a massive list of Suspicious Code samples which helps them to keep Servers Safe from Intruders.

They have the holy grail of Backup system too. You can set up automatic backup ranging from Days to weeks for better Protection.

5. No-Cost Website Migration

A2 will never fail to Surprise you. Just in Case, you got a site over another hosting which you are to migrate to them. You got the need to take that pain, this provider will get it done. They are waiting in Chat Support for this, once you ask them for Migration.

You don’t have to do anything, just sit back and they will set the whole stuff properly. It doesn’t matter what CMS or Site you use or how many Database you are using. They will take the pain for you, and you will have your site up n running.

6. Developer Friendly hosting

Whether you are a Blogger, Business Owner Or Developer they Will get you covered. You may be an Experienced Developer, or a Code Enthusiast, they got Tonnes of Features for you too. They are among the first few hosting Provider to introduce PHP 7.0 in their Plans. Let me remind you; they are the first to introduce.

You don’t need to ask for it. Your A2 hosting CPanel will never run out of date, and you will see first among all others to have access to all the latest Packages and Newly Released for the developers. If you want to know what Goodies they have for Developers check the List Below.

Developer Features for Linux Hosting:

  • PostgreSQL 9.4,
  • PERL 5.10, Apache 2.2,
  • Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2,
  • PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1,
  • MySQL 5.6,
  • FTP / SFTP,
  • js
  • Free SSH Access,
  • SSL & Free SSL

If you are More interested in Windows Based hosting, refer this below

Developer Features for Windows Hosting

  • NET 2.x, 3.x & 4.x,
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014,
  • MVC 4 or 5
  • Classic ASP
  • .NET Core 1.1
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Access Database
  • SSL & Free SSL,
  • Silverlight 4 or 5
  • FTP / SFTP
  • MySQL 5.6
  • PHP 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1

7. State Of Art Content Delivery Network (For Free Price)

I discussed how they providing Free Security scan for all types of Hosting Plans. This is another Factor which will blow your mind.

Yes, A2 Provides Free CDN integrated with CloudFlare. All your traffic will be re-routed via CloudFlare, so you don’t have to care much about cache or CDN. Here too they got your back.

8. Environmental-Friendly Data Center Location

In 2007, A2 hosting Provider partnered with Carbonfund.org to make their Servers Carbon Neutral when you are buying a Carbon Offset along with a hosting Plan. It means you are making your Contribution to Nature. To be very real, there are some other great features like SSD Servers, CMS-Compatible Services, and others too. However, here I chose to cover this one over all of them.

Honestly, it makes A2 Hosting a Standout among other providers. It is common Thought among all hosting Providers to give Client Satisfaction at Top Priority but such a great move proof them to be very aware of Nature and Environment too.

Before writing this A2 hosting review I dig more and find out they organize Plantation during Special Promotions. They also recycle Outdated and old Server parts rather than disposing of them. I had a look over their office; they don’t use Paper Coffee Cups but rather use Coffee Mugs inside Office.


Super Fast Servers, SSD hosting, Customer Support made us fall in love with them. As I worked with A2 hosting, I really feel Attached to them. Still, there is an Old Saying no one is perfect, so I also got some few Flaws. So let’s discuss them.

1. Expensive than most of the Hosting Providers

This whole bunch of Features here comes for a Price tag. All the Features here must have fascinated you, but yes it will also cost you more than average web hosting providers use to offer.

When you try to buy a Hosting Service from any hosting company, you will offer you a discount when you try to buy for a long term but if you decide to buy for a year or something. They will ask you for much price than they advertised. While you buy for one year from A2 hosting, they will offer you the best price and even better when you buy for a long term.

Best product will have the best price.

2. May Face Limitations like Storage On Cheap Plans

If you look at their plans, they are crafted Ill. Let’s talk about the Lite plan from Shared Hosting. For 3.924 per month, they are offering to host to only one site while some other hosting providers though it has unlimited Space and 5 databases. It even leaks their most crowned feature “Turbo” which is available for their premium plan only.

However in this A2hosting review, if I will look at it, from the perspective of their features and Quality of service, then the price tag is entirely justified. Here you have to decide whether will go for Quality or Quantity. After all, you are the one who is paying, and you get what you paid for.

Interesting Features

  • Their service delivers Developer friendly and blazing fast loading websites.
  • Friendly CPanel management interface to maintain all your domains in a single place.
  • You can manage sites emails, backups, files, FTP, website statics, bandwidth usage, sub-domains and much more.
  • It got Linux and Windows plans.
  • Not only hosting you can also buy domains at best price.
  • They have doing domain transferring and domain registering service.
  • They are providing country level domains and top level domains.
  • They give Id protection and domain theft protection to protect your personal information.

A2 Web Hosting Speed Test Reviewed

Check my website speed in this A2 Hosting Review

20X Loading speed for all hosting plans?

No, every hosting plan will not load your website 20X faster.

This is the common misconceptions from people.

Let me clear it in this guide.

A2 Hosting has three hosting options Lite Plan, Swift plan, Turbo plan.

20X faster loading speed is only for those who host their websites on TURBO plan servers for other plans the website will load at 6X speed.

So 20X speed is not for all. Understood?

But for normal plans, you will get 6X faster-loading website page speed by installing Official WordPress plugin from A2 Hosting.

With A2 Optimized plugin

You get the options to use

  • Recaptcha options
  • Set unique login URL
  • Compress images without losing its quality

Now you got clear information about the 20X faster loading promise. But other Hosting reviews article never revealed it.

Now it’s time to check the actual speed of website hosted on dedicated server.

A2 Hosting Review: Website Loading Speed Test Review To Check How Much Monthly Visitors It Can Handle?

Test #1

For 1st speed test, I am checking my website on ByteCheck.

ByteCheck measures the duration of the first byte returned from the hosting server to the browser.

From this check, we can measure the time taken by the website to load its content from the server to browser.

Showing website byte check in my A2 Hosting Review

This is the result of the website speed test.

The Time to First Byte is 93 ms.

DNS load time is 0.75 ms.

Connect time is 32.62 ms.

Send time is 0.04 ms and Wait time is 50.37 ms.

This factor proves the quality of the hosting speed and also proves the 20X faster site speed using turbo servers.

The first test is over and we checked the site speed by sending a single user to the website.

Test #2

Different Locations test.

This is the 2nd type of test taken to measure the site loading from 14 test location around the world.

The reason to take this test is visitors will visit your websites from different countries and zones.

So your website needs to load fast on all country browsers

Example: If your website loads extremely fast in London and loads slowly in Sydney means you will lose Sydney visitors.

It’s a bad sign for doing online business.

For this purpose, I personally tested website at various locations like United states, United Kingdom, Asia, etc.

Different Locations Speed test (14 Locations)

A2 web hosting review - Server speed test from Various country

The test result shows that on all locations the website loading speeds are 513 ms, 127 ms, 256, ms which are less than one second.

By looking the results I myself witnessed that this host has the power of loading websites extremely fast.

Test #3

Multiple visitors visiting test

This is my 3rd test in this web hosting reviews I did for verifying the capacity of A2 Hosting server when visitors visit the website at the same time.

For this, I am going to send 50 visitors to the website which is hosted on turbo server.

This is the ultimate and final speed check to measure its performance.

users load time

The above graph shows 50 unique visitors were sent at the interval of 5 minutes.

For each visitors Website, load time differed each time and each visitor experienced different loading speed.

The website loaded at 1.6s at the time when all the 50 unique visitors were made to visit the website at the same time without any time gap interval.

Below graph shows results for various factors which are important for measuring the speed of the web hosts.

A2 Hosting review speed Test Results

From this Load test with multiple users visited the website at instant time. My website took a maximum of 1.12 seconds to load the entire website.

From the 3 tests, you itself witnessed that this host provides fastest hosting service for all websites under different circumstances.

So no more confusion about the real speed of A2 Hosting, I proved it for you by doing the best speed tests.

Speed Test Score: 5/5

Get Fastest Hosting now!

Good Customer Service & Support

I know about the importance of customer support In every department whether it be a hosting or any other services.

Customer service plays an important and it is counting factor for deciding the quality of a web host tips regardless how top the company rules.

Like Ipage, A2 Hosting also delivers best customer support by having the GURU CREW support department.

The team works 24/7 and deliver all supports to their customers and for visitors, they have live chat and call support.

I have seen many websites praising A2 Hosting for their best customer support.

Even the most popular website BBB.org (Better Business Bureau)  rated A+.

BBB.org is a nonprofit organization and trustable website and the things they do are real and they even criticized some popular brands for poor services.

Check A2 Hosting review & rating below:

A2 hosting rating by BBB.org

My score combined with Better Business Bureau. So total rating is

Customer Service Rating: 4.9/5

visit Official website now

From the above results, Their web hosting company is super good in terms of speed, Uptime, Customer Support.

The above ratings are more than enough to judge a web hosting company.

In case if you need more details about the Hardware, Software, plan details then please follow this for more details.

Hardware & Software

Including the important software and hardware information about A2 Hosting in this review.

A2 Hosting’s SUCURI Site Protection

More than thousands of websites are hacked every day by hackers what if your website by tomorrow?

That would be your worst day ever. Imagine it now.

In order to save your website you to have the best protection for your website.

When you host your website on A2 Hosting servers your website will 100% protected by the most popular SUCURI protection suite.

By having SUCURI your website will be scanned and watched always and if any threaten found SUCURI will detect and delete the virus, malware, etc.

SSD Hosting

It’s not a new thing to say already many of you knew it.

But in case you don’t aware of it.

SSD means Solid State Drive stores information like HDD (Hard Disk Drive).

SSD is faster and reliable than HDD, A2 Hosting using SSD on all servers which makes your website to load 300% faster.

With CloudFare free CDN along with free SSD and SSL your website with load 20X faster than other websites which will make your website to rank higher on search engines.

Server Rewind Backups

Data loses are often happen by several mistakes like accidentally deleting, adding codes, etc.

In order to be on safe side, you need to have the best backup tools as an option.

They got perfect backup solutions and it will take daily snapshots of account backups.

By rewind backup option you can get any of your website backup at any time and restore it. It’s 100% free.

Upgraded Software

  • PHP 5.3 to 7.1
  • MySQL 5.6
  • PostgreSQL 9.4
  • Apache 2.2
  • Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2
  • Ruby 1.8
  • PERL 5.10

A2 Hosting’s Freebies & Website Promotions

iContact Email Marketing trial: Use it for sending and receiving emails and track it.

Free Ad Credits: Get free Yahoo and Bind ad credits for every plan and promote your website and start getting leads and clients.

Attracta: This option will found on your Cpanel, Using Attracta you can get free SEO dashboard.

By Attracta

  • Get XML sitemap for your website
  • Easily submit website to Yahoo, Google, Bing and Ask.
  • Submit website to local search engines.
  • One SEO dashboard
  • Find broken links

Data Center Location & Server o/s

The data centers are SSAE16 certified and built with high powered facility and monitored 24/7/365 with high-level engineers to give reliable hosting solutions for its clients.

Data centers and hosting servers

They have 3 Data centers located in USA, Europe, and Asia.

Servers built with fiber optic cables with air conditioning facility to keep the dedicated servers always cool to eliminate the heat generated.

A2 Hosting Plans & Pricing

A2 Shared Hosting plans

They have 3 plans for shared hosting service

Lite – Host 1 website cost $3.92 per month

Swift Plan – Host Unlimited websites cost $4.90 per month

Turbo Plan – Host Unlimited websites cost $9.31 per month (20X Faster Speed)

VPS Hosting

UNMANAGED VPS – $5 per month with 20 GB storage, 2 TB transfer, 512 MB Ram

MANAGED VPS – $32.99 per month with 75 GB storage, 2 TB transfer, 4 GB Ram, 4 vCPUs, Free SSD & SSL Without Root Access

CORE VPS – $32.99 per month with 75 GB storage, 2 TB transfer, 4 GB Ram, 4 vCPUs, Free SSD & SSL With Root Access

Cloud Hosting

START – $15 MONTHLY with 512 MB RAM, 10 GB HDD Storage, Unlimited inbound Transfer, 2 cores, 600 MHz CPU Speed.

MEDIAN – $20 MONTHLY with 1  RAM, 10 GB HDD Storage, Unlimited inbound Transfer, 2 cores, 600 MHz CPU Speed.

ACE – $25 MONTHLY with 1 GB RAM, 25 GB HDD Storage, Unlimited inbound Transfer, 2 cores, 600 MHz CPU Speed.

Reseller Hosting and Dedicated Hosting plans are not that much important to describe here, to know it Visits here.

A2 Hosting Discount Coupon Code

Only a few web hosting companies will give large discounts for its customers and this company is one of them.

Below are exclusive A2 Hosting discount code for my readers who are reading this guide. Discount coupons will be auto-applied during purchase.

In case if not works use this coupon manually

Click this Discount Link to activate coupon and then apply the below coupon.

Shared Hosting plan – 67% off with code: HUGE67
Managed VPS & Core VPS – 50% off with code: CMVPS
Reseller Hosting – 40% off with code: RSL40

I am happy to provide this offers for you for reading my A2 hosting review, Save huge money and enjoy.

A2 Hosting Alternatives & Comparisons

Here the list of alternates.

Comparing A2 Hosting and FastComet, Both provide SSD Hosting service.

FastComet is good web host you can read this report for more details the price differs a little bit, where A2 Host costs $3.92 monthly and FastComet costs $3.95 monthly.

The interesting thing is FastComet offers a free domain for the lifetime you can register .com, .net, .co, .in, or any available options while buying any plan.

Every year FastComet will renew your domain for free but A2 Hosting does not offer free domains for any plans. That’s the only drawback from them(Cons).

Bluehost is another super alternative for A2 hosting plan.

Bluehost basic plans cost $3. 95 for hosting 1 website and Plus plan price $5.95 monthly for using unlimited websites.

Though Bluehost is most popular company but in terms of speed and comparison A2H beats Bluehost speed.

So, SiteGround and Bluehost are the best alternatives.

A2 Hosting review: My Final Decision

Comparing with top web hosts like Bluehost, WP Engine the speed of A2 Hosting outranks them.

The reason to write this A2 Hosting Review is for to criticize them by proving them they are not providing 20X faster loading speed.

But I failed!

With the speed test done by me, they tend to be the fastest hosting provider.

They are super ultra fast, reliable and amazing service provider and with their promising money back guarantee you can use any of their plans without any fear.

Take A2 Hosting’s Service

If you need

  • High-performance hosting
  • 20X faster website loading speed
  • 99.99% Uptime
  • Best 24/7/365 Guru Crew Support
  • Turbo Speed Servers

  visit A2hosting now

A2 hosting Review
  • Speed
  • Uptime
  • Customer Support
  • Features
  • Pricing


A2 Hosting delivers top-notch support and they sell hosting plans at the affordable price with lots of freebies that’s why company receives lots of positive reviews from customers.

Photo of author

Abdullah Prem

I am Abdullah Prem from India, with over 10 years of experience in blogging. I happily work from home and teach people how to start blogging through my easy guides. I am an expert in writing about WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making ideas. I have been featured in popular tech sites like Tech.co, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis. Bloggersneed.com

The tools I use on this blog

Cloudways: I am using this hosting on this blog. Try Cloudways

SEMrush: My all-in-one SEO tool to perform various SEO tasks. Try SEMrush

Generatepress: I use this theme on this blog, the super fastest theme. Try Generatepress

Omnisend: Using this email marketing tool, budget friendly. Try Ominisend

WP Rocket: I use this superfast cache plugin to increase my website loading speed within seconds. Try Wp Rocket

Elementor: I know nothing about coding, but I create beautiful websites. Try Elementor

6 thoughts on “A2 Hosting Review – Real Pros & Cons with Proof!”

  1. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I believed this post used to be great. I am going to use this hosting.

    I don’t recognize who you might be however certainly you’re going to a famous blogger in the event you
    aren’t already. Cheers!

  2. A2 Hosting is a good cloud hosting provider but I would recommend. Cloudways support is good But A2hosting is cheaper than Cloudways. Anyway, A2hosting is good who have a small budget.
    Thanks! for sharing a great reviews.

  3. A2hosting is great choice, but the renewal price is very expensive. I then moved to Asphostportal. Asphostportal also support latest ASP.NET Core on their hosting environment. I decide to try them and they are also very reliable.


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