Plagiarism Checker X Review

Plagiarism Checker X Review
Plagiarism Checker X Review

Whether you are a teacher, student, blogger or marketer, the only tool you need to detect plagiarism in your research papers, websites and assignments is plagiarism tool. This article will show you the features of this tool and how to use Plagiarism Checker X to find copied or duplicate content.

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Plagiarism Checker X Review

If you’re looking for a super cheap plagiarism checker tool for your website, check your papers, etc. Then you need to read this plagiarism checker x review.

This is the advanced online plagiarism checker which can detect even the sophisticated forms of duplicate content. It is the best alternative to copyscape and other detectors.

Unfortunate DMCA Warning!

Like others when I started this blog, I didn’t use any tools and used to publish articles without any concern. But one day I bought one content from Fiverr and read it.

To me, it was good to read, and I published it on the same day. After 2 days, a website owner told me that he would file a DMCA against my website if I did not take the article off the site.

I don’t know what was happening at that time. And I don’t know what to do.

And after taking a deep breath, I contacted my friend on Facebook and told him about the incident, and he asked me to send the article.

He said that the article was 100% copied from another website and said to use Plagiarism detectors from now on. Being a beginner in the blogging field, I seriously don’t know what Plagiarism means.

I searched the internet and understood what Plagiarism means and then started to search for a free tool. Because at that time I had no money to invest, but luckily I found this Plagiarism checker X and below you will find my review of it.

Plagiarism Checker X Review

I’m using this awesome Plagiarism detecting tool from the year 2015 and till now I’ve scanned more than 800K words. To be honest, this tool has helped me find to look for copied contents.

Plagiarism Checker X used AI-enabled Deep Search technology to find duplicate content on large and bulk documents.

Below is my last year’s report.

Plagiarism Checker X report

This tool will look simple, but it can detect the copied content very easily within seconds and show you the copied source. After outsourcing content from writers I used to paste the content on this Plagiarism Checker X and check whether the content is original or not.

Features of Plagiarism Checker X

Online Plagiarism

By using this online plagiarism detection you can easily find the contents that are copied from the internet. Plagiarism Checker X will compare your content with 16 billion plus pages online and major search engines.

In this feature you check content, upload documents or webpage URL. This feature will be a life and time saver for students and teachers, who need to write assignments and research papers without any copied content.

For this tutorial I am going to use two types of Plagiarism check to find the copied content on the internet.

Using the Webpage URL

I am going to check this url:

I have copied the content and pasted it on the content and going to click check Plagiarism button.

online plagiarism content.

This process took around 40 – 50 seconds to complete. It identified two sources and shows 97% of content is plagiarized.

And here is the overall summary of the scanned content, and you can share this score on Facebook and tweet it on Twitter.

content summary.

Next, click the view report button to see all the sources. It will show you the overall similarity, and you can export the result in a PDF or Microsoft Word document.

plagiarism final report.

Plagiarism checker X found the exact source and that’s why I’m saying this is the cheap and best plagiarism detection tool.

You can also paste the URL of any website, check its originality, and upload content from the computer using the button to load document.

checking webpage url

The document format should be in the .DOCX, .DOC, .TXT, .HTML, .RTF, .PDf formats. Multi-languages like English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch are also supported.

Side-by-Side Difference

With the side-by-side comparison feature you can check the similarities between two sources. Bloggers, researchers and freelance writers refer to other websites while writing, and often they write with similar results which result in Plagiarism.

By using this you can paste your original content in the Source column and paste the reference content in the target column and check the content to find the similarities.

side-by-side difference

Like online Plagiarism checker you also load the document on the two sides and check the duplicate content.

Bulk Comparison

The bulk cross comparison tool will be a great feature for school or college projects. It will allow you to check the documents against each other to find the content similarity.

This feature comes with group comparison and crosscheck.

bulk comparison

Group Comparison: You can scan and compare two groups of files with each other. For example, you can check the files of Group A with the files of Group B.

Cross-Check: Using this feature, you can check one file of a group with other files of the same group. If Group A has 5 files 1,2,3,4,5. You can take the 2 file and compare with 1,3,4,5 files, and you can do the same action vice-versa with other files in the group.

I’ve shown you all the features of this plagiarism detection software in this Plagiarism checker x review. Now I will show you the price of this tool.


The plagiarism software comes with three levels of plans: the basic, professional and business.

The basic is a free version and comes with a limited version and free forever.

The Professional plan is $39.95 with 1 user license with lifetime package license with unlimited word limits.

The business plan is $147.95 with a 5 user license and includes all professional plan features.

ProductPages CheckWords CheckYearly Price
Copyscape20 pages11 cents for 1000 words$239.4
Plagiarism Checker XUnlimited Unlimited$39.95 (One-time Payment)
Buy Plagiarism Checker X nowclick hereclick hereclick here

To use the plagiarism checker x software, you need to download the app on your computer or Mac OS. When you buy the software, you will receive the file and the license key. You will then install the file on your computer and use it.


Finally, there is no doubt that using copied content on your article will result in Google penalties. Other web masters will sometimes even send you a DMCA notice if you copy there content.

That’s why you should always cross-check your article with Plagiarism checkers to find out whether your articles are 100% original.

I hope now you know the importance of using the plagiarism detector. This Plagiarism Checker X review will definitely help you make the right decision whether to purchase the tool or not.

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Abdullah Prem

I am Abdullah Prem from India, with over 10 years of experience in blogging. I happily work from home and teach people how to start blogging through my easy guides. I am an expert in writing about WordPress, Hosting, Themes, and online money-making ideas. I have been featured in popular tech sites like, Cloudways, Business2Community, Leadpages, GoodFirms, and ShareThis.

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